Sunday, November 22, 2009

Banana pankakes.

Made delicious banana pancakes for the first time in Dave's new place yesterday. Felt like a christening, like his place was finally really his now that we had made yummy flapajcks with warmed bananas like buried treasures in them. What could be homier?

I love that no matter how frustrating, irritating, or hectic the rest of your day is, you can take comfort in the fact that this crazy day started with a platter of piping hot banana pancakes with homemade maple syrup and fresh coffee. Not nobody can take that moment away from you, no amount of impatient public transit-waiting can screw with the bliss of that morning peace.

Weekend Horoscope:

I only believe in these things when they tell me that I'm destined for a life of great happiness, achievement or wealth. I tend to dismiss those that are of the more horror-scope genre. Like a superstar celeb who only reads good press, even though everyone tells her not to. This one's pretty sweet, though. One to return to when I'm feeling like a thunderstorm, all rainy and gray and thundery:

The sun moves into the area of your chart that governs your dreams this weekend, so you've got cosmic permission to think the unthinkable - and you'll soon be doing what others say cannot be done. For Aquarius, all things are possible.

1 comment:

  1. I used to make a lot of banana pancakes when I worked as a cook/flapjacker at Vienna Restaurant and I would get many special requests to make pancakes with banana eyes and blueberry smiles.
